Project Status and Project Health

Project Managers must update the Project Health and Project Status for the projects they manage in the Projects app. This article details the values available for both Project Status and Health.

Project Status
Project Health

Project Status

Pending Sequencing: when the project has been approved to move forward, but is pending assignment of a Project Manager.

Active: for any approved project that has not yet begun.

  • At this stage you may be gathering high-level requirements but there is no significant planning underway.

  • The project has been approved through the normal request process (if applicable) and has been added to the queue.

Initiated: when the project manager is assigned and starts identifying resources for the project.

Planning: when the project manager/team refines the details of the project and develops a plan for completion.

  • Project planning includes scheduling, identifying additional project team members and/or resources, developing KPIs, etc.

Executing: when the project plan has been approved and the project team is actively working on the deliverables of the project.

  • Project team performs the project work according to the plan.

  • Project team meets regularly to identify/address any variances from the plan so corrective action can be taken to improve project outcomes.

  • A project remains in this status until Completed, Cancelled, or put On Hold.
    Note: When a project is in process, the Project Health should be Red, Yellow, or Green.

Monitoring: when the project deliverables have been completed and the team is auditing the progress to ensure no issues or concerns have been communicated.

Closing: when the project is wrapping up and the project team is assessing and formalizing acceptance of project deliverables.

Pending Approval: when the project has been identified but has not been officially approved to be initiated.

On Hold: when there is a want or expectation to complete, but the work has temporarily paused.

  • When a project is placed "On Hold", no TeamDynamix back-end features are triggered; it is simply a status indicator showing that the project is paused.

  • The project is still active and any resources on the project are still scheduled, meaning the project still impacts resource availability in TeamDynamix.


Project Health

Green: Project is on track (project is meeting defined objectives in scope, on schedule, and on budget).

Yellow: Project is at risk, but corrective actions have been identified.

Red: Project is at risk, no corrective actions yet identified.

None: This should only be used when the project is not yet in process.


Next, review the following articles:

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