Retrieving files from UD CrashPlan

You can retrieve information from UDCloud1 using either the Code42 CrashPlan application or the web-based application. If you have used CrashPlan to store your backup set locally, use the Code42 CrashPlan application.

Using the Code42 CrashPlan app to retrieve files

  1. Start CrashPlan.

    • Windows: Double-click the Code42 CrashPlan icon in the start menu.
    • macOS: Click the Code42 CrashPlan icon in the Applications folder.
  2. Type your UDelNet ID on the Code42 sign in screen. Then click the Sign In button to be taken to the UD CAS login screen.

Enteryour UDelNet ID or UD email address

  • Your user name is your full UD email address.

  • If clicking Sign In does not take you to the UD CAS login screen, your UDelNet ID is not recognized. Contact your departmental or college IT staff for assistance.

  1. On the standard UD CAS login screen, log in using your UDelNet ID and password, and, on the next screen, provide your 2FA code. Information about UD two-factor authentication [2FA].

  2. Select Get Files corresponding to the proper machine from the CrashPlan application home page.

Click Get Files


  1. On the next screen, check the boxes next to the names of the files or folders you would like to retrieve.

Check boxes available to select folders and files that need to be recovered.

  1. You may also retrieve files from an earlier date and time by selecting the calendar icon.

Shows the restore date calendar picker

  1. When finished selecting files, click Get Files.

Shows selected folders and files with Get Files button

  1. Specify where files are to be restored to.

  • You may restore files to the original location, to the desktop, or any other folder you select. The Other dialog box will allow you to create new folders.
  • You may also choose what to do if a duplicate file name exists.
  1. Note that if you back up additional machines, all files and folders from those machines are backed up as well.

  2. You may also change permissions to those of the destination folder (Current) or those of the folder from which it was backed up (Original).


Retrieving files from the web-based application

  1. You do not need to have CrashPlan installed on a machine to allow you to retrieve files, you may do this directly from the web.

  2. However, there is a restriction on retrieving files from the web-based application: You may only use this technique to recover less than 250MB of data.

  3. In any browser, go to Off-campus users must log in to the UD VPN to access this page.

  4. Log in to Code42 CrashPlan by typing your full UD email address, clicking the Sign In button, and logging in on the UD CAS screen.

  5. Navigate to Devices and use the checkboxes to select the computer or computers whose files you wish to restore.
CrashPlan web app window with clickable Devices icon: use to show computers available for recovery.
  1. On the next screen, click the Restore icon 
Click the restore icon
  1. Use the Web Restore dialg box to select files and folders to restore.
Select files and folders for restoration
You may specify which versions of files an folders to restore based on a specific date and time.
Change the date: Restore files as of field with calendar picker

  1. Once you have all the files and folders selected, click the Restore button.
  • The default for web restore is to restore all selected files to a .ZIP file on the local machine. The same directory structure will be maintained.