Services (6)

Computer Issues

The Support Center can assist you with software and hardware diagnostics and fixes

Reconfigure an Existing Computer

Wipe or reformat an existing University-owned system.

Request Computer Equipment Purchase

Need help purchasing computers, software or peripherals? IT Client Support & Services (CS&S) can help you decide what computer products would be suitable for your specific use and application. Here you’ll find computing system configuration and purchase consulting help, both for personal use and for ordering for the University.

Request for Computer Setup and Configuration

IT Support Center can assist in the setup of newly purchased computers for faculty and staff

Request Mobile Device Setup and Configuration

Support for setting up mobile phones, iPads, and tablets.

Warner Hall Conference Room IT Support

In order to most effectively resolve issues within the Warner Hall conference spaces, a subset of technical matters are referred to the vendor for support. Vendor relations are coordinated by the Warner Building Management team. Issues of these types will be forwarded to this team but will be closed within the IT ticketing system.