Bugzilla: Save a preset query

Bugzilla allows you to create a custom set of links at the bottom of the page with the "remember search" feature. Everyone starts with a link to My Bugs and custom links are added after this link. Remembered searches can be useful for organizing your bug reports. You may find it helpful to add a remembered search for a specific project or time frame.

You can use the remember search feature from any search results screen. See the Find a Bug Report help page for more information on using the search features in Bugzilla.

  1. At the bottom of a bug list find the text: Remember search as.

  2. Enter a unique name for your search in the text field and click the Remember search button.

  3. Your link will be added at the bottom of the Bugzilla screens.

  4. Click on the link name to view the bug list.

  5. Click the Edit Search link to change your search parameters.

  6. Click the Forget Search link to delete your remembered search.