iClicker with Canvas: UD Instructor’s Guide

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iClicker with Canvas
at the University of Delaware

This article outlines the most common set-up options for iClicker use at the University of Delaware.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Add the iClicker tool to your Canvas course

Step 2: Create your iClicker course

IMPORTANT: iClicker software obtained before January 29, 2018 must be updated to successfully integrate with Canvas.

Step 3: Customize your course settings

Connect iClicker course to Canvas course.

Step 4: Complete the synchronization process.

Updating rosters.

Understanding Gradebook Color Coding

Viewing collected data and adjusting scores

Upload and review iClicker scores in Canvas


View uploaded iClicker scores in your Canvas Gradebook

Sample syllabus blurbs to introduce iClickers

Student registration instructions


Step 1: Add the iClicker tool to your Canvas course

Log in to Canvas at www.udel.edu/canvas.

  • Select your course.
  • Select Settings on the left-hand navigation menu.
  • Select the Navigation tab at the top.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the window. 
  • Drag the iclicker tool up into the navigation list.
  • Click Save.


Step 2: Create your iClicker course


IMPORTANT: iClicker software obtained before February 2, 2018 must be updated to successfully integrate with Canvas.

On January 19, 2018 a change in the way Canvas and iClicker communicate caused this mandatory update to develop.

  • Open your current iClicker application.
  • From the Help menu, choose Check for Updates, and then choose Update.


iClicker splash screen:

When the program reopens you will be prompted to select English as your preferred language. A registration screen will appear. You may enter your information to assist iClicker support if help is needed in the future, or choose Remind me later.

  • Click Create button to make an iClicker course.

  • Enter a Course Name, and click the Create button. iClicker automatically creates a new course subfolder in the Classes folder.

Your course name now appears in the list box. Repeat steps 1-2 to create as many courses or sections as you need.    


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Step 3: Customize your course settings

You can click Start New Session and begin in-class polling immediately.  However, you may want to connect to Canvas, modify scoring pre-sets, or enable REEF web-polling at this time. Settings can be modified even after student data has been collected. 

Select your course. Choose Settings.

  • General tab.


  • Enter your instructor clicker remote id. This allows you to us the faculty remote to:

A: start/stop polls 
B: show/hide charts
C: advance Powerpoint, Keynote, or Google Slide* presentations.

Please note: If you use a Mac to present in class, the Firefox browser must be used with Google Slides for the iClicker toolbar to remain visible. 

D: send presentation back one slide
E: cycle through options to select the correct answer  when chart is displayed

  • Recommended: adjust the “Show frequency alert message” preference to 15 seconds. It is important that all students are submitting responses on your iClicker course frequency. The default is AA. 


Connect iClicker course to Canvas course.

  • Gradebook tab.

  • In the Primary Institution box, type or scroll to select, University of Delaware. 
  • Click Select Course button.
  • Enter your UDelNetID and password in the UD Canvas window and click Log in

  • Enter your 2FA code.
  • Allow iClicker access by clicking Authorize.

  • Click the course you want to connect to from your list of published courses. Click Select.

Note in version 7.17, specific sections of a course may be mapped to individual iClicker courses. In the majority of instances, selecting the overall “parent” course that does not display a specific section number is the correct choice.

  • “The roster does not automatically download” notice appears. Click OK.

  • The first time you open the iclicker Gradebook, you will be prompted to download your Canvas roster using the Sync Roster process.


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Step 4: Complete the synchronization process.

  • Select your course in the iClicker Home window. Click Open Gradebook.

Opening the Gradebook automatically launches the Sync activity if a Canvas Roster is not found.

The gradebook automatically refreshes to display the latest registration information.

Updating rosters. 

During the drop-add period, or whenever you anticipate registration information has changed, update the roster. 

  • Open Gradebook. Click the Sync Roster button to download the latest student iClicker registration information from Canvas.



  • Click OK when download completes. The gradebook automatically refreshes to display the latest registration information. 

Understanding Gradebook Color Coding

Before syncing, the Name field displays iClicker remote serial numbers in red text. This indicates the clicker was used during your class period, but is not registered to a student in your roster. 

After syncing, student names will appear. If the student has not registered an iClicker in Canvas, the name will appear in red text. Student names of participants with a registered clicker will appear in blue text.

NOTE: If any red text remains after syncing, instruct students to register in Canvas and re-Sync your iclicker gradebook. Student scores will be updated retroactively after registration. Sometimes responses from a nearby classroom are received. This does not impact the scores of students in your class.

Responses sent on the proper frequency are collected and credited to clickerid numbers. 


After Sync Roster process student names, the ones in blue had registered a clicker, but did not use it in this class, appear. 

After students register the remote they bring to your class, and the Sync Roster process is repeated, students retroactively receive credit for all responses.


Viewing collected data and adjusting scores 

To review screenshots of polling questions and data charts generated during class, click the View link at the top of a session column. See screenshot above.

Select a question image from the pane on the left to display the corresponding chart. 

If the correct answer was marked during class, credit will be indicated by a green bar and the point received in the right column of the bar chart. 


To assign points for the correct answer after class, click the appropriate checkbox on the chart. If credit should be awarded for more than one answer, override the default points by typing the value in the field associated with a particular response in the points column. You may award full or partial credit. Points to the 2nd decimal place are accepted. 


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Upload and review iClicker scores in Canvas

  • Open Gradebook. Click the Sync Scores button.

  • Select the session(s). Click Next.



  • Before uploading to Canvas you must make two choices: 

Decide if you want scores to appear in separate columns or as a single column that is updated throughout the semester

Choose which scores to post: participation (attendance), performance, or the total of both categories.

It is possible to post performance scores as separate entries and participation score as a running aggregate total. The Sync Score process would be run twice using the same data and different upload preferences.

Please Note: scores posted to Canvas will be appear in the top Assignment Group and in a Published state. Students will receive notification of a new grade and have immediate access to the scores.

View uploaded iClicker scores in your Canvas Gradebook 

  • Log in to Canvas, www.udel.edu/canvas, and select the course. 
  • Click the Grades link on the left navigation menu.
  • The following  sample displays results using options: “Each session as a separate entry” and “Total points.”

  • The following sample displays results using options: “Aggregate” and “Participation points.”

Sample syllabus blurbs to introduce iClickers

iClickers will be used to promote learning in this class. Bring your iClicker to class every day to obtain full credit for the activities that use them. For more info about clickers, visit: ats.udel.edu/clickers. In keeping with UD’s Code of Conduct related to cheating, attempts to use more than one clicker per class period are subject to academic dishonesty ramifications. 


Student registration instructions

  • Log in to Canvas at www.udel.edu/canvas.
  • Select a course using clickers.
  • Select iclicker from the course navigation list.
  • Enter the remote ID number located beneath the barcode on the back of your iClicker remote.
  • Click Register.
  • Registration associates the remote to the student in all classes using Canvas and iClickers at UD.
  • Students can have more than one clicker actively registered. If a student does bring 2 registered clickers to class, only responses from the remote used first during an individual class period will be recorded. 
  • Students may share a clicker if they are not in the same class. That includes multiple sections of the same course that share one Canvas course.

The combination of iClicker remote ID + Student UDID + class roster must be unique.

iClicker registration tool in Canvas@UD

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