SSL Certificate

Who can use it?

Students, Faculty, Staff

What is it?

IT has a campus-wide license for HTTPS/SSL Web Security Certificates from GlobalSign. As part of its mission to support the campus infrastucture, IT makes these certificates available to departments at no additional cost.

Where to get it?

Click on the Request Service Button

How to use it?

GlobalSign Web security certificates are available with features such as the following:

  1. Certificates are valid for up to one year. They can be renewed 30 days before their expiration dates.
  2. Wildcard certificates and certificates with multiple Subject Alternative Names (SANs) are also available.

You can learn more about requesting a GlobalSign Web Security Certificate at GlobalSign's website. If you use one of the tools linked from their site, be sure to select a key size of 2048 or larger.

For more information, departmental or college IT staff should contact the IT Support Center by sending email to or calling (302) 831-6000

What are the charges, options & fees?

There is no charge for this service