Adding reports to your Desktop


Instructions for how to add reports to your Desktop in TDNext.


  1. Log into TDNext.

  2. Under the Desktop tab or the Tickets tab, click Edit Desktop.
    screenshot showing how to edit your desktop in TDNext

  3. Under Available Content on the left side of the page, click Tickets.

    • If you are editing the Desktop under the Tickets tab, you should only see the Tickets content section.
      screenshot showing available content options in TDNext

  4. You can add several useful reports to your dashboard by clicking and dragging them to any column on the right side.
    Here are a few reports we recommend:

    • Reports specific to the Technology Request:

      • Tickets/Reports/ IT Technology Request Reports - My Technology Request Approvals.  

      • Tickets/Reports/ IT Technology Request Reports - My Technology Request Tasks.

    • General ticket reports:

      • Tickets / Reports / Assigned to me - Assigned to me.

      • Tickets / Reports / Assigned to me - Assigned to me (tasks).

  5. Click Save at the top to close the box and save your dashboard.
    screenshot showing how to save your dashboard in TDNext

  6. Click Refresh at the top of your Desktop to view your assigned requests for approvals and tasks. 


Return to the Technology Request Overview for Requesters.



Article ID: 829
Wed 3/17/21 12:02 AM
Fri 11/5/21 12:47 AM

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