Microsoft Word UDThesis Styles for Graduate Theses, Dissertations and Education Leadership Portfolios

The UDThesis styles are designed to format theses, dissertations and education leadership portfolios according to the regulations specified by the University of Delaware Office of Graduate and Professional Education.
Important: To use the styles most effectively, read and follow the instructions on page 5 of the Microsoft Word UDThesis Style Guidelines for setting up Word. Base files (templates) for unnumbered and numbered can be found on page 8 of the Microsoft Word UDThesis Style Guidelines If you have already started typing your document, see the Appendix on page 18 of the Microsoft Word UDThesis Style Guidelines.

Also, note these considerations for preserving the formatting of your UDThesis document when collaborating with others. 

Note: Make sure to check for the latest names and titles for the signatures in your document. You must change these manually.


To get started, click to download the Microsoft Word UDThesis Style Guidelines. This document contains instructions for using the styles and links to download the base files.

Important information: to maintain the 2" top margins on major headings/chapter pages Read This (applies to Word 2013 and later).  

Attention: Watch this short video on using UDThesis base files and styles for Microsoft Word.



Microsoft Word          PDF

Examples only (not base files - see above)

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