Using UDThesis base files and styles for Microsoft Word
Change page orientation to landscape and then insert page numbers rotated on the left margin: Microsoft Word for Windows makes it easier to insert page numbers rotated on the left margin, so even if you are using Microsoft Word for Mac, you can use Microsoft Word for Windows just for this and then switch back to Microsoft Word for Mac.
Mac 2011
Mac 2016
Show ruler, vertical page position and ShowHide marks
Right align page numbers in the Table of Contents, List of Tables or List of Figures (only applicable if you're not using UDThesis styles)
Show paragraph marks
Show the styles and formatting pane
Preserving formatting when others work on your document
Equations for Windows PC
Tables copied from Google Docs into Word and borders missing in PDF
Replace corrupt styles in word document
Word 2013 and later: Maintain 2" top margins for major headings/chapter pages using UDThesis styles
Word and bibliographies
Refworks at the University of Delaware