Azure Archive

Who can use it?

Faculty, Staff, Students (when granted access from a Faculty or Staff member)

What is it?

Azure Archive Storage (also called Azure Blob storage) is a cloud based service that allows for archival of data in a low cost format. The data is stored redundantly in the United States. It can be extracted for additional costs. The service can also delete data after a given time period to meet contractual obligations.

Where to get it?

Click the Azure Archive Request button.

How to use it?

All information stored on the Azure Archive Service is subject to University information classification and protection requirements. Knowledge base articles are linked on this page and provide basic how-to on several use cases, along with some best practices that are strongly recommended.

Quick facts

  • Cost: Variable based on usage and storage; however, a rough estimate of $1/TB/Month can be used.
  • Data is stored in locally redundant format.
  • Access is granted through Azure AD. Primarily, UD accounts should be used; however external users can be granted permission through a time based token or through their own Azure AD account.

Charges are based on usage. Both storage and operations are charged. Costs for data stored without access will approach $12/TB/Year. Initial upload fees, and extraction fees will increase the cost.


What are the charges, options & fees?

Charges are based on usage. Both storage and operations are charged. Costs for data stored without access will approach $12/TB/Year. Initial upload fees, and extraction fees will increase the cost.



Azure Archive


Service Offering Id: 31
Fri 4/19/24 4:32 PM
Thu 5/23/24 10:02 AM