Arranging temporary VPN access for a vendor or guest


A departmental IT staff member can request a vendor or guest VPN account by contacting the IT Support Center.

  1. The UD sponsor should submit a request to the IT Support Center and include the following information in the Problem details section of the form:

    • Vendor's full name (for an individual) or the full name of the person in a company or organization for whom access is being requested
    • The company's or organization's name
    • Contact phone number (including area code and, if needed, extension)
    • Contact email address
    • Length of time the guest account is required
      • Start date
      • End date
    • The department the request is for
    • Specific campus IPs this VPN IP will need to access
    • Specific services and/or protocols this VPN IP will need to access (RDP, SSH, etc.).
  2. The account sponsor will be required to download and provide the AnyConnect software to the person being given temporary guest access.

  3. Guests must use the UDEL-VPN-GUEST group in the AnyConnect VPN application when connecting to UD's VPN. No other group will work with VPN guest accounts.

  4. All VPN users are required to use two-factor authentication (2FA) as part of their VPN login. All guests must use the Google Authenticator App to generate a 2FA code during the login process.

  5. The UD sponsor requesting the guest access is responsible for the guest's actions while he or she is using UD's VPN connection.

  6. The account will expire at the end of the time requested. If the guest credentials are required for more than one year, the UD sponsor will need to confirm that the account is still required for the account to remain active.



Article ID: 121
Tue 7/9/19 10:45 AM
Tue 8/13/24 4:27 PM

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