Internal IT Service for dropping off computers to Smith Hall.
Full computer description including make, model, and color.
Please specify details.
Please enter the password required to log into this personal computer. The computer's password should NOT be the same as your UD password; if it is, please change the computer password to something else.
The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.
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Please Review the Following

I have a valid license, own, or have permission of the copyright holder to use all files and software installed on this computer. I authorize the University of Delaware IT-Client Support & Services staff to perform work on my computer. I agree to allow staff to remove any programs that may be, but not necessarily are, posing risks to users of the UD campus network. I understand that problems associated with work on my computer can occur, including but not limited to, loss of data, software, malfunction, system malfunction or hardware failure. I agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless UD from liability for any claims or damages of any kind or description that may arise from any computer work performed on my computer. 


For students, there is an $85 fee if the computer is infected with malware that is causing the issue. Other issues such as operating system, software or limited hardware problems (hard drive or memory) will not be charged.

For faculty or staff personally-owned systems, the $85 fee applies to all service and is payable when the system is brought in.

Any hardware replacement purchases are the responsibility of the requester.

Computer Pick-up

Computer will be returned to the above-named person. If another party is designated by the customer to pick up their computer, CS&S must be notified when service is completed. Everyone must show a photo ID to pick up a computer. 

*Machines left longer than 30 days will be considered forfeit.*


Please type your first and last name to digitally sign that you agree to these terms listed above.
File attachments associated with the ticket.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code