Request for Administrative Rights

Who can use it?

UD Managed Windows computers where the IT administrative credential requirement for system changes is systemicly hampering research efforts or public events due to off hours, exceedingly frequent, or immediate response requirements.

What is it?

In response to discussions regarding administrative access for research computers and critical event systems, we are able to provide administrative credentials, or the "Make Me Admin" application to those computers that require off-hours, immediate, or burdensomely frequent privilege escalation for installation or configuration of software. This software will be installed on the systems in perpetuity to allow for work to continue unimpeded without significant loses in time or data capture.

Where to get it?

Fill out the accompanying form to make your request.

How to use it?

Details of the solution provided will be communicated by IT staff as part of the deployment process.

What are the charges, options & fees?

There is no charge for this service


Request Administrative Rights


Service ID: 394
Wed 12/20/23 11:14 AM
Wed 12/20/23 2:22 PM
Service Type
The IT Strategic Plan identified three types of Services: Core, Consortium and Specialized