Classification Request

Who can use it?

Faculty, Staff

What is it?

The purpose of the Request for Classification form is to collect detailed job content information to determine the appropriate classification grade for a position. Performing additional responsibilities of higher complexity satisfactorily for a minimum of six months is expected before a request for reclassification is submitted.

Where to get it?

Click on the Submit Request Button

How to use it?

Part I and II are completed by the supervisor. Please be sure that the information on this form is accurate and complete. If you have any questions or need guidance in completing this form, please contact Compensation at

What are the charges, options & fees?

There is no charge for this service



Request Service


Service ID: 269
Fri 6/4/21 9:24 AM
Fri 6/28/24 12:01 PM
Service Type
The IT Strategic Plan identified three types of Services: Core, Consortium and Specialized