Frequency Tables for Pink Scan Forms

(for surveys and course evaluations with up to 28 responses)

Please Note: Do not use the "Identification Number" section for Social Security Numbers!

Printable version of the Pink Frequency Document



The PINK program processes the pink "Short Response Forms" used for short surveys and course evaluations having 28 or fewer items. The University's Graphic Communications Center can print a questionnaire directly on the pink forms.

The program produces a frequency table, mean response, and standard deviation for each item, based on the number of actual responses for that item. You can request a printable listing or a computer file of the actual responses on each form. The program can analyze a single set of forms or multiple sets analyzed independently or together.


Layout of the forms

Each pink scan form is divided into five fields: the body of the form, the Response field for the 28 items, the Identification Number field, the ABCDE field, and the 12345 field. The pink forms are used for both the "Processing Control Form" and the "Response Form." The form is available from WB Mason (order SCAN410681).

All forms must be filled in using a #2 pencil. The scanner can read only one mark per response line. The PINK program will record a blank for a line with multiple marks. Response lines that are not filled in will also be recorded as blank.

Response form

A respondent marks his or her responses in the Response field. You can select processing options which take information that respondents mark in the various fields and transfer it to a printable file or computer file output.

Processing control form

The Identification Number field is used to specify processing options (e.g., frequency tables, computer file output). The ABCDE and 12345 fields are used to specify optional labeling information for a printable file and computer file output. When multiple sets of Response Forms are analyzed in the same computer run, each set must be preceded by a Processing Control Form (and followed by a specially marked pink Separator form described below). The Response field is not used on Processing Control and Separator Forms.


If you want to request a computer file containing the data from your survey

The first scan form for each set of Response Forms must be a pink Processing Control Form. One option on this form allows you to create a computer file containing the contents of the actual Response Forms. If you have several sets of Response Forms in a single run, you may elect to have the contents of some or all of the sets copied into a single computer file. If you want to name the file, you must specify the file name information on the very first Processing Control Form, regardless of which or how many sets you select. You cannot direct different response sets to different files in a single computer run.


How to mark a Processing Control form

Identification Number field

In the box labeled "Identification Number" on the Processing Control Form, mark the processing options for your surveys or evaluations. Listed below are your choices and the results they will produce.

Column 1: Unused

  • Mark 0 or leave blank.

Column 2-3: Maximum item number

  • Mark the highest item number used on the Response Forms, from 1 to 28. If the number is a single digit such as 7, mark it as 07.

Column 4: Frequency table request

The possible responses on the pink form are the letters A-E. Normally, A is recorded by the program as a 1, B as a 2, etc., and the numerical values are used for the calculations. By filling in a 2 in this column, you can request reverse coding (i.e., A as a 5, B as a 4, etc.).

  • Mark 0 or leave blank to suppress the table.
  • Mark 1 to request a printable table with response A recorded as a 1, B as a 2, etc.
  • Mark 2 to request a printable table with response A recorded as a 5, B as a 4, etc.

    Note: Because of the small number of data values on pink forms, the files generated by selecting columns 5 or 6 below are identical.

Column 5: (see Column 6: Request a Computer file)

  • Mark 0 or leave blank. If you mark a 1, the program produces a computer file named with the layout described in option 6 below. This is done to provide compatibility with earlier versions of this program. The option may be deleted in the future. The bin# part of the file name is assigned by the Smith Service Desk staff.

Column 6: Request a Computer file

  • Mark 0 or leave blank if you do not want a computer file.
  • Mark 1 to generate a computer file consisting of one line per respondent. The file will be named unless you change the 000 to three other digits. Mark those three digits in columns 1-3 of the 12345 field. (Instructions for naming the file are given below in the section labeled 12345 field.)

The information from all fields on the Response Form is transferred to this file using the following layout:

Columns Information

1 - 5

Sequence number of the form in the set
6 - 14 Identification number field
15 - 19 ABCDE field
20 - 24 12345 field
25 - 52 Item responses (items 1-28)
"A" is stored as 1, "B" as 2, etc.

Note: This program will produce only one file for all (or any) of the sets of responses in a single run.

Column 7: Print contents of response forms

  • Mark 0 or leave blank to suppress a printable listing.
  • Mark 1 to request a printable listing.

Column 8: Frequency table processing for multiple sets of response forms

This option is only relevant when you have more than one set consisting of a Control Form with its corresponding Response Forms, and a Separator Form.

  • Mark 0 or leave blank to suppress the overall summary table.
  • Mark 1 on the first Control Form to generate frequency tables for each set individually and the summary table for all sets combined as one.

This option requires that you also mark Column 4: Frequency table request for each response set you want tabulated in the overall summary frequency table. Mark 1 for regular scoring or 2 for reverse scoring on all Processing Control Sheets. Do not mix 1's and 2's. The maximum item value found on the first Control Form is used for the overall summary table.

Column 9: Printed identification label format

You may specify a five-digit code in the ABCDE field (see below) for identifying sections of the printed output.

  • Mark 0 in column 9 to have the five digits printed as a Group ID.
  • Mark 1 in column 9 to have the five digits printed as a three-digit Course Number and a two-digit Section Number.


If you are using labeling for your printable file (see Column 9: Printed identification label format above), mark the Course Number information under the columns labeled ABC and the Section Number information under the columns labeled DE.

If column 9 is blank or 0, the five-digit group identification will be printed on the output tables.

12345 Field

If you selected Column 6: Request a Computer file above, the file will be named unless you change the 000 to three other digits. Mark those three digits in columns 1-3 of the 12345 field.

Note: This program will produce only one file for all (or any) of the sets of response forms in a single run. If you have requested computer file output, the file's name must be specified in columns 1-3 of the 12345 field of the first Processing Control Form, regardless of which sets you choose to save in the computer file.

If you selected Column 8: Frequency table processing for multiple sets of Response Forms above, you may use columns 1-5 of the 12345 field to specify a five-digit label for the overall summary table. This should be done on the first Processing Control Form only. Note that these columns are simultaneously used to determine the label and the computer file name (e.g.,


How to mark a separator form

To submit more than one set of Response Forms in a single run, place a pink scan form at the end of the first set of Response forms. Mark 9999 in columns 1-4 of the Identification Number field. This form acts as a Separator Form between sets, but is not analyzed as a Response Form. The Response field is not used on Separator Forms.


Preparing the scan job for submission

  • Stack all forms face up with the same orientation.
  • Fully erase stray marks.
  • Do not attach paper clips or staples.
  • Do not fold the forms.

At the top right corner of each Control Form, write the word CONTROL next to the printed word Identification to identify the Processing Control Form.


Order of Scan Forms

To submit a single set of Response Forms, arrange the forms in the following order:

  • First Processing Control Form
  • First set of Response Forms

To submit multiple sets of Response Forms, arrange the forms in the following order:

  • First Processing Control Form
  • First set of Response Forms
  • Separator Form
  • Second Processing Control Form
  • Second set of Response Forms
  • Separator Form etc.


Submitting the scan job for processing

  1. Obtain a Frequency Scan Request Card at the Smith Service Desk in 004 Smith Hall. Fill in your UDelNet ID and the other requested information. Submit this card with your forms. The Smith Site Assistant will give you a "bin slip" containing a unique number to identify your job. 
  2. Your output files will be available through the UD Dropbox. You will receive an email message with a link to obtain the files. Files remain in the Dropbox for 21 days.
  3. You will not receive a printed version of your scanning output.
  4. Any extra files produced using "identification number fields" will also be uploaded to the UD Dropbox.
  5. You must pick up your scanning forms from the Smith Hall Service Desk within one week of submitting your job, using the bin slip you were given when the job was submitted. During Finals, you must pick up your scanning forms within two business days.
  6. Forms not picked up within one week will be returned to your department via campus mail.


Sample processing control form, response form, and results

Attached to this document are a Sample Processing Control Form and a Response Form followed by the results you would receive if you chose the options indicated on the Processing Control Form.

On the sample Processing Control Form, the instructor indicated that the maximum number of responses was 12. That person also requested:

  • a frequency table (shown on page 3 of the sample results pages)
  • a printed copy of each respondent's answers (shown on page 2 of the sample results pages)
  • a printed identification label with the information from the ABCDE field (The Group ID label-46110, in this case-is shown on page 3 of the results pages.)

The Response Form matches the the fourth set of responses shown on page 2 of the sample results pages. Notice that for item 4, the respondent has marked two answers and for item 9, the respondent has chosen no answer. In both cases, the Pink program ignores the responses (note the missing values for the fourth set of responses on page 2).
