Google Groups: Importing a class roster into a UD Google Group

Faculty have found that Google Groups present an easy-to-use and flexible method of conducting online class discussion. Unfortunately, you cannot import a class roster into a Google Group directly from UDSIS. But you can import your roster manually. The process outlined below takes about 10 minutes.

  1. Log in to UDSIS.

  2. Click Self Service.

  3. Under Faculty Center, click My Schedule and Rosters.

  4. Click the class roster icon (far left) for the class for which you are creating a Google Group.

  5. With the class roster displayed on the screen, click the spreadsheet icon to download your class roster as an Excel spreadsheet. In the screenshot below, the red arrow points to that icon:
    Spreadsheet Icon

  6. Locate the Excel file on your computer. It is usually named ps.xls. Open the file in MS Excel.

  7. Delete the header row (row 1) from the spreadsheet.

  8. Select the column of email addresses (column D). Copy the entire column of addresses.

  9. Log in to your class Google Group and navigate to Members.

  10. Select Add Members.

  11. Paste the addresses you copied from the Excel spreadsheet into the Group Members text box. Write a brief welcome message in the Welcome Message textbox. Select an appropriate email subscription option. Your screen will look similar to the one shown below:
add members screen
  1. The Group members list now shows the added members.