M365: Locating and Moving "To be deleted" files

As part of the Microsoft 365 (M365) Account Lifecycle process, UDIT will be removing accounts belonging to users that no longer have an association with the University. The M365 Account Lifecycle process will have two parts:


Phase I: One-time cleanup efforts

To reduce the backlog of accounts owned by individuals who have left the University, UDIT will be initiating a one-time cleanup of these inactive accounts were created in 2021 and prior. This includes thousands of old accounts for individuals who left the University as far back as 2009.

These accounts will be removed starting in June 2024. All files located within this account’s OneDrive will be deleted. To ensure that you maintain access to any necessary files associated with an account that will be deleted, follow the steps below before June, 2024.

Files located in a Microsoft SharePoint or Teams site will not be lost when old accounts are removed. 


Phase II: Ongoing cleanup efforts

This phase, starting in the fall 2024 semester, initiates the enforcement of the Account Lifecycle process in perpetuity. Learn more about the Account Lifecycle process.

Finding and managing content at risk of deletion

Note: these steps should be done in a web browser.

Step 1: Identifying content that will be deleted

  1. Log into Microsoft OneDrive in your browser. Use this link and substitute your UDelNetID for yourusername

  2. Click on Shared on the left hand side. 

"Shared" on the launch bar is indicated.

In the steps below, [name] refers to the name of the person who shared the files with you and whose account will be deleted.
  1. In the With you list, look for files shared with you. Files owned by Deleting-[name] will be deleted when the inactive account is deleted. If you need to keep files owned by Deleting-[name], you must copy them to a new location. The Deleting-[name] will only appear in the Name column, directly under the file name, as indicated by the highlighted text in this screenshot:

The Deleting-[Name] appears only in the Name column.


Step 2: Manage content that will be deleted

There are a few options available to manage this data, including moving files to a shared location or downloading the files to save locally.

Option 1: Move files to a shared location

  1. Right-click the file you want to move.

  2. Select Open Location.

*If you do not see Open Location, proceed to Option 2
"Open Location" is indicated from the drop-down menu

  1. A new windows opens. You can select multiple files from this new window if you would like to move multiple files.
  2. Ensure that the files you want to move are selected, and click Copy to.

Multiple files have been selected and are marked with a check.

Note: If you do not see the Copy to option, try Option 2 (Download files). If Option 2 is not feasible, contact askit@udel.edu.

  1. Select the shared location where you would like to move the file. Do not move files to “My files.” Instead, choose a Team or SharePoint as demonstrated in this screenshot:

A team site has been selected.

  1. Click Copy here.

Option 2: Download files

  1. Right-click the file or folder you want to download.

  2. Select Open Location.

"Open Location" is indicated from the drop-down menu

  1. A new window opens. You can select multiple files from this new window if you would like to download multiple files.

  2. Ensure that the files are selected, and click Download

The Downloads button is indicated.

  1. Select the destination where you would like to download the file. If you are not prompted to select a location, check your downloads folder for the downloaded data.

Option 3: Request supervisor access to the account

There are cases when it may be necessary for someone to be granted full access to an account that is pending deletion. Typically, only a direct supervisor of an account holder who is no longer at UD can be granted access to an account that is now listed as Deleting-[name]

Examples of when full access may be necessary: 

  1. An owner of an account that will be deleted had shared files with “can view but cannot download”. 
  2. There is reason to believe that a OneDrive account has needed files that are currently not shared.

If you are not able to copy needed shared files to a new location, contact askit@udel.edu. UDIT will seek the necessary permissions to assign access to the account. Granting this access will require a review from central HR Employee & Labor Relations.

Once you have been granted access to the account, move the files to a shared location prior to the account's deletion.

You can access a OneDrive account that you have been granted access to by substituting the specific UDelNetID for the account you have been granted access to in place of username in this web address: https://udwinprod-my.sharepoint.com/personal/username_udel_edu

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Article ID: 1106
Wed 5/1/24 10:34 AM
Wed 5/8/24 1:14 PM

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