Using Your UD Student Loaner Laptop

Use these instructions to log in to and to use your loaner laptop. Contact the IT Support Center (302-831-6000 or if you need assistance.

UD Student loaner laptops can be requested here.

Login information

Log in to the laptop with your UD Microsoft o365 account credentials - your full email address and UDel password. Your account does not have administrator rights. If you need to install any software, use the Make Me Admin application to give your account administrator rights for 10 minutes at a time.


The following applications come pre-installed on the laptop:
  • Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus
    • You must log in to Office 365 Pro Plus to activate it.
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Adobe Reader
  • Zoom
  • Respondus Lockdown browser
You can install additional software as needed.

Storing files

  • You can save anything you need to the laptop.
  • All your data will be removed when the laptop is turned in.
  • To avoid data loss, store your files on Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.

Returning the laptop

  • Save the laptop box and all packaging, and return the laptop in it.

Make Me Admin

Make Me Admin can give you temporary administrator rights so that you can install software and updates. This solution allows for greater laptop security while allowing you to partially manage your loaner laptop. 

You only need Administrator rights to install or update programs.

Using Make me Admin on Windows computers

  1. To launch Make Me Admin select the Windows Start Menu, scroll down, and select Make Me Admin from the list of applications. 
  2. When the application launches, it determines whether you already have administrator rights. If you do not, the Grant Me Administrator Rights button is enabled. If you do already have administrator rights, this button is disabled, and the Remove my Admin Rights button is enabled. 

Make Me Admin interface with "Grant Me Administrator Rights", "Remove My Administrator Rights", and "Exit" buttons.

  1. Click Grant Me Administrator Rights. The application adds you to the Administrators group on your computer, the application disappears, and a new icon is added to the notification area on the taskbar, near the date and time. A pop-up message appears for a few seconds, indicating that you have been added as a Member to the Administrators group. This icon remains in the notifications area as long as your administrator rights are active. 
  2. You do not need to log off and on of your device in order for your administrator rights to take effect. You can perform the task(s) that require administrator privileges: changing computer settings, installing or updating software, etc. If you receive a prompt from User Account Control to log in, enter your current UDel user name and password. 
  3. You have 10 minutes with Administrator privileges to change your device settings, install or update a program, etc. After 10 minutes, Make Me Admin displays a pop-up message stating that you are no longer a member of the Administrators group, and the program closes. Your installation or update will continue to run even after you have been removed from the Administrator group. 
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The service, in conjunction with Student Advocacy & Support, provides a limited number of loaner laptops for students who need access to a laptop for various reasons.