HP DesignJet Z6100 Page Sizes

The HP DesignJet Z6100 printer uses a 42-inch-wide roll of paper, and the PPD file has several built-in page sizes that will fit on the roll of paper.

42_Inch_Roll 42 by 56 inches
36_Inch_Roll 36 by 56 inches
24_Inch_Roll 24 by 56 inches
30x40" 30 by 40 inches*
E_size_36_by_48 36 by 48 inches
D_size_24_by_36 24 by 36 inches*
C_size_18_by_24 18 by 24 inches*
  *Use transverse printing to save paper

All of these page sizes have the width (first dimension) shorter then the height (second dimension). For some of these page sizes, the height is less than the 42-inch roller and will fit on the paper "sideways." In these cases, you can save paper and money by specifying "transverse on" in the printing options. See the documentation for your platform (PC or Mac) for directions on using the "transverse" option.

Custom page sizes

If you do not see an appropriate page size, you may create your own custom page size. This is useful if you are making a poster to hang in a fixed-size area. When you use a custom page size, make the width less than the height. Your width should be less than than 42 inches, but your height is only limited by the length of paper on the roller. If your fixed area is wider than high, make the width the shorter dimension and print in landscape mode.

Note: Some applications limit the page size you can use. Page-size limitations for some of the most common applications are:

Application Maximum Dimensions
AdobePS Windows printer driver 54 inches wide, 129 inches long
MS Publisher 49 inches in either direction
MS PowerPoint 56 inches in either direction
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 42 inches in either direction

Printing a landscape document

If your document is wider than it is high, you should specify "Landscape Mode" when printing to have the poster print correctly.



  • If your page size height is less than 42", turn on transverse printing.
  • Make sure the width is less than the height for your custom page sizes.
  • Use landscape printing if your document is wider than it is high.
Print Article

Related Services / Offerings (1)

The HP DesignJet Z6200 poster printer supports both Windows and Macintosh OS platforms. If your system meets these requirements, design your project with the correct paper size, create a PDF file, and bring it on a portable medium to the Smith Service Desk (Room 004 in the basement of Smith Hall) to print it. All Microsoft Office applications (including Publisher), Adobe InDesign, Acrobat Reader, and Distiller are available at the printing station.

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