Courses Search Listing Help

UD provides a Courses Search to locate classes offered each term. Colleges and departments may generate listings of courses using the courses search data. For example, see the courses for the current and upcoming terms for the College of Health Sciences. Or, you might list courses for a department -- see the courses for the department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. The courses search data is only available for current or upcoming terms. Feel free to use course listings on your web site rather than using manually maintained, unofficial course lists.

Creating a course listing

In order to create a custom list of your courses, you must build a URL. The general syntax for a summary course listing is as follows:

  • term is the required parameter for term.
  • 00X represent the term value.
  • param1 and param2 represent one of the parameters described below.
  • value1 and value2 represent the values associated with the corresponding parameter.

You must provide a term and one other parameter, but there is no limit on the number of additional parameters. Use the format &param=value to add as many parameters as you need.


Course parameters & values

  • Term - Required
    The three-character academic term code for upcoming terms (example values: 17F, 18W, 18S).

    Parameter: term

    Example: term=17F


  • Course Number
    A university course number containing subject ID, course number, and/or section number (example values: ACCT, ACCT207, ACCT207010).

    Parameter: course_sec

    Examples: course_sec=ACCT


  • Instructor
    Last name of the instructor of the course.

    Parameter: first_instr_name

    Example: first_instr_name=Adams


  • College Code
    The two-character college code values:
    AG - College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
    AS - College of Arts and Sciences
    BE - Lerner College of Business and Economics
    EG - College of Engineering
    HN - College of Health Sciences
    HP - College of Human Resources, Education & Public Policy
    MS - College of Marine and Earth Studies
    CE - Continuing Education
    US - University Studies

    Parameter: collegeCode

    Example: collegeCode=AG


Academic requirement parameters & values

Obtains the list of courses which are designated as one of these requirements.

  • Discovery Learning Experience Course

    Parameter: dle

    Example: dle=Y


  • First Year Experience (FYE)

    Parameter: firstyear

    Example: firstyear=Y


  • Honors

    Parameter: honors

    Example: honors=Y


  • Multi-cultural

    Parameter: multicultural

    Example: multicultural=Y


  • A&S Writing

    Parameter: writing

    Example: writing=Y


  • University Breadth: Creative Arts and Humanities

    Parameter: artHum

    Example: artHum=Y


  • University Breadth: History and Cultural Change

    Parameter: histClt

    Example: histClt=Y


  • University Breadth: Social and Behavioral Sciences

    Parameter: socBesc

    Example: socBesc=Y


  • University Breadth: Math, Natural Sciences and Technology

    Parameter: mthNsT

    Example: mthNsT=Y


  • Capstone: Professional Practicum and Internship

    Parameter: PROF_PRACT

    Example: PROF_PRACT=Y


  • Capstone: Design Project

    Parameter: DESIGN_PRO

    Example: DESIGN_PRO=Y


  • Capstone: Programmatic ePortfolio

    Parameter: PROG_EPORT

    Example: PROG_EPORT=Y


  • Capstone: Honors Thesis

    Parameter: HONR_THES

    Example: HONR_THES=Y


  • Capstone: Senior Research

    Parameter: SR_RESRCH

    Example: SR_RESRCH=Y


  • Capstone: Course-Based Research

    Parameter: CRSE_RESRC

    Example: CRSE_RESRC=Y


  • Capstone: Senior-Level Seminar

    Parameter: SR_SEMINAR

    Example: SR_SEMINAR=Y


  • Capstone: Field Experience

    Parameter: FIELD_EXP

    Example: FIELD_EXP=Y


  • Capstone: Appropriately defined classroom course

    Parameter: CLSRM_CRSE

    Example: CLSRM_CRSE=Y



Article ID: 429
Fri 7/19/19 2:10 PM
Tue 10/22/19 2:29 PM