Course Description Listings Help

Official course description data is available via an application called Course Descriptions. A college, department, or program may generate listings of its course description data. The course description data is available online for all years starting with 2010. Feel free to use course description listings on your web site rather than using manually maintained, unofficial course description lists.

Creating a course description listing

In order to create a custom list of your course descriptions, you must build a URL. The general syntax for a summary course description listing is as follows:

  • param1 and param2 represent one of the parameters described below.
  • value1 and value2 represent the values associated with the corresponding parameter.

You must use at least one parameter, but there is no limit on the number of additional parameters. Use the format &param=value to add as many parameters as you need.


Course description parameters & values

  • Year - Required

    A four-digit string representing the academic year. For example: 2019 represents the 2019-2020 academic year. The year Code value is mandatory.

    Parameter: yearCode

    Examples: yearCode=2019


  • Course number

    A university subject ID and/or course number (example values: HIST, ART110, ACCT207).

    Parameter: courseNumber

    Examples: courseNumber=ACCT

    Note: Using a full course number, including the section ID, will not work for a course description listing (example: ACCT207010). Use the Courses Search listing instead.


Article ID: 427
Fri 7/19/19 2:10 PM
Tue 10/22/19 3:24 PM