The University's Budget Turn Around (BTA) Access Type is a set of permissions that allow users to access and manage budget data in the BTA model. The following are the different permission levels and their descriptions:
Full Access |
Users with Full Access have the highest level of permissions in the BTA system. They can view, edit, and approve all budget data, including department budgets, college budgets, and the university-wide budget. They can also create and manage users and roles. |
Model Admin |
Model Admins are responsible for managing the budget model and ensuring that it is accurate and up-to-date. They can create and edit budget scenarios, set budget parameters, and generate budget reports. |
Budget Office + Preparer |
Budget Office + Preparers are responsible for preparing and submitting department budgets to the Budget Office for review and approval. They can view, edit, and submit department budget data. |
Dean/VP Approver |
Dean/VP Approvers are responsible for reviewing and approving department budgets. They can view and approve department budget data, as well as make changes to the budget data if necessary. |
CBO Approver + Preparer |
CBO Approver + Preparers are responsible for preparing and submitting college budgets to the Chief Budget Officer (CBO) for review and approval. They can view, edit, and submit college budget data. |
CBO Reviewer + Approver (everything, including Dean apprv) |
CBO Reviewer + Approvers are responsible for reviewing and approving college budgets, as well as department budgets that have been approved by the Dean/VP. They can view, edit, and approve all budget data, including department budget data, college budget data, and the university-wide budget. |
Department Preparer |
Department Preparers are responsible for preparing and submitting department budgets to their Dean/VP for approval. They can view, edit, and submit department budget data. |
Department Preparer - No Position Planning |
Department Preparers - No Position Planning are responsible for preparing and submitting department budgets to their Dean/VP for approval, but they do not have access to position planning data. They can view, edit, and submit department budget data, but they cannot view or edit position planning data. |
Permission Level Description
Read |
Users can view data in the model, but not edit it. |
Write |
Users can both view and edit data in the model. |
Full |
Users can do anything with the model, including viewing, editing, and deleting data, as well as managing permissions for other users. |
The In-Year Forecasting Model Type permission type allows users to access and manage the university's in-year forecasting model. This model is used to forecast the university's financial performance for the current fiscal year.
Budget Office |
Budget Office users have access to all features of the in-year forecasting model. They can view and edit all data in the model, as well as create and manage scenarios. |
Budget Office Admin |
Budget Office Admin users have the same permissions as Budget Office users, but they also have the ability to manage users and roles. |
Department Admin |
Department Admin users have access to the in-year forecasting model for their department. They can view and edit all data in the model for their department, as well as create and manage scenarios. |
CBO users have access to all features of the in-year forecasting model for their College, including the ability to view and edit all data in the model, as well as create and manage scenarios. |