Performing an EKG/ECG in Point & Click Web Apps



PncConnector2 is a Windows desktop application used for scanning documents into the PNC web apps. It replaces the PncConnector service tray application for users who need to scan documents. It is also for those utilizing Midmark EKGs. 

EKGs can be performed by connecting to the EKG machine through PnCConnector2. Once the machine is connected to a computer using one of the USB ports on the computer (not the monitor), use these directions to perform an EKG/ECG in Point & Click Web Apps.

Launching PncConnector2 and PncChart

Launch PncConnector2 and log in. If you do not see it on your device, you can install it here

Open PncChart and bring up the patient. From the menu on the left, click ECG/PFTs.


On the ECG/PFTs window, click ECGThe live ECG screen is displayed.

Live ECG screen

The live ECG screen displays the results of the 12-channel ECG in the three-by-four (3x4) leads display format.

If a modified 12-lead (V3R, V1, V2, V5, V6, V7) is selected:

  • The live ECG screen displays a message: “place V3 lead on V3R, V4 lead on V7” at the top right corner of the screen.
  • The chest leads on the live ECG screen are arranged in the following order V3R, V1, V2, V5, V6, V7.
  • Note: The modified 12-lead ECG lead group does not generate automatic interpretations.

The gain, speed, and filter settings are displayed above the moving tracings. Click the appropriate drop-down item or toggle to modify its setting. Changes made to the settings from this screen are temporary and only apply as long as the test is active. Make changes to the default settings for all new ECG tests by clicking Settings (the wheel icon). The patient’s name is displayed at the top center of the screen with the heart rate display on the left of the screen. Lead offs and any error messages are displayed on the right top corner of the screen.

ECG Settings window

Wait for the ECG tracings to pass the screen twice and verify the signals are clean and baselines are stabilized. Click Acquire to capture an ECG test, which opens in the Report Review screen so that the technician can review the quality of the test before saving the report.

Live ECG Screen Buttons window


Reviewing an ECG Report

Reviewing an ECG must be done using PncConnector2.

In PncChart, click the report from the list to review a selected resting ECG report. This displays the ECG Report Review screen, which displays the 12-Lead ECG tracings of the ECG report. The date and time of the selected report, name of the technician conducting the test, name of the requesting physician, and the patient’s blood pressure appear at the top left of the screen.

Edit or enter an Interpretation in the Interpretation field by typing directly in the Interpretation field. All diagnostic statements must be reviewed by a qualified physician. You can also make changes to the interpretation and enter customized statements by selecting the pencil icon. ECG Report Window

  • Click on the top left drop-down arrow for the appropriate category and click the Add button to add the desired selection. The selected interpretations are displayed in the right window. Click the Favorite button to add frequently used interpretations to the Favorites list.
  • Use the Search field to search through all of the pre-set interpretations configured from List Management.
  • Use the top-right text field to type an interpretation.
  • Click the up and down arrows to reorganize the selected interpretations.
  • Click Clear All to remove all the selected interpretations.
  • Click the X button next to a selected interpretation to remove it.
  • Click OK to add the selected interpretations to the Review Report screen.
  • Click Cancel to discard the selected interpretations and return to the Review Report screen without saving any interpretations.

The Interpretation field is indicated

The general measurements are displayed on the upper-right portion of the Report Review screen. The physician must review and evaluate the diagnostic interpretation and the measurements before signing off on the ECG report. Measurements can be manually overridden by clicking in the field.

  • If the ECG amplitude is too short or too tall for viewing, click the Gain drop-down to increase the amplitude gain to 20mm/mv or to decrease it to 5mm/mv.
  • Click Calipers to measure the amplitude (mv) and duration (ms) of any part of the ECG waveform, making it easy to read over ECG tests online without printing the report.

calipers button is displayed

  • Clicking and dragging on a specific caliper will move only that one caliper. Clicking and dragging in the middle of the calipers will move both calipers together. You can adjust calipers for longer periods of time by clicking and moving the right or left caliper.
  • The Sign off button is used for signing off on the report after the physician’s name is entered. If the Sign off button is clicked, it indicates that the report has been signed by a physician, and the screen then becomes read-only. The date the report is signed, and the name and username of the reviewing physician are recorded.
  • To edit a signed report, first view the report, and the click Unlock button.
  • The Print button is used to print the current report. A dialog box for specifying print options will appear after selecting Print to specify printing options.

Caliper adjustment is displayed

The 10 Second tab displays all 10 seconds from each of the 12 leads on one screen, which is the full disclosure of a 12-lead resting ECG test. 

the 12 leads are shown

  • Click the Compare tab to compare two ECGs from the same patient side-by-side.
  • In the Compare screen, the current test report is displayed in the top window. The previous test report, by default, is displayed in the bottom window. You can select other tests by using the drop-down menu, or by using the right or left arrows.
  • The ECG tracings for each report are displayed on the left side. The date and time of the report, the Gain drop-down, the ECG Data fields, and the Interpretation field are displayed on the right side.
  • The Printer button prints the report that is displayed on screen.
  • Click the Save button (available from the ECG tab) to save the report, or click the Exit button, which opens the options available in the IQecg dialog box.

The compare screen is displayed

  • Click Retest to return to the Acquisition screen and discard the current ECG test. The Retest option is only available after the initial test acquisition.
  • Click Save to save the ECG test.
  • Click Discard to delete the ECG test.
  • Click Cancel to return to the ECG test without saving.


Rhythm Reports

Click the Rhythm tab in the Live ECG screen to open the live Rhythm screen, which is used to acquire a Rhythm report. 

The gain, speed, and filter settings are displayed above the moving tracings. Click the appropriate drop-down item or toggle to modify its setting. Use the drop-down list on the left-side of each tracing to change the rhythm leads. Changes to the settings made from this screen are temporary and only apply as long as the test is active. You can make changes and set them as the default settings for all new ECG tests by clicking Settings (wheel icon).

The patient's name is displayed at the top center of the screen, with the heart rate display on the left of the screen. Lead offs and any error messages are displayed on the top right of the screen.

Rhythm tab screen is displayed

Click Start to begin the Rhythm test and start recording three rhythm leads.

Option to choose settings from the rhythm window

The time scale is displayed at the bottom of the screen. A colored bar moves across the time scale to indicate the current 10-second window. Note the following details:

  • The gray bar indicates that data collected has not reached the 30-second minimum required for a rhythm report.

the gray bar

  • The bar changes to blue once the 30-second minimum has been reached.
  • The light blue bar indicates the current data that has been collected.
  • The dark blue bar indicates the current 10 seconds of data that is displayed on the screen.

The dark blue bar is indicated

No test data is recorded during the first 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the Cancel button will change to an End button. This is indicated on the screen by a gray bar on the time scale.

  • Click Cancel to stop the test during the first 30 seconds.
  • Click End to manually stop the test and review the data. When the time limit (from settings) has been reached, the software will automatically display the Review screen. The data is saved only after you click Save in the Review screen.


Rhythm Review

The Rhythm review must be performed in PncConnector2. The Rhythm Review screen is displayed after a Rhythm test has ended.

The Rhythm Review screen displays the following data:

  • Test date and time
  • Technician
  • Physician
  • Blood Pressure
  • Test data

The Rhythm Review screen has the following functionality:

  • Report selection drop-down menu
  • Gain drop-down menu
  • Calipers toggle
  • Print button
  • Save button

Click the 10-second markers at the bottom of the Rhythm Review screen to move between 10-second intervals of the test. Alternatively, drag the blue section of the time bar to change the ten second portion of the strip shown in the window. You can also review Rhythm data collected in Rhythm Trend and Rhythm and Rhythm Histogram formats by clicking the Show Graphs button.




Article ID: 965
Thu 1/19/23 4:23 PM
Wed 1/25/23 11:58 AM

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