How to Self-Enroll in Secure UD Training


University of Delaware Information Technologies has partnered with Human Resources to offer Secure UD Training in ConnectingU, the University’s learning portal.  

Most staff and faculty members are automatically enrolled in Secure UD Training. Employees who are not automatically enrolled (AFSCME employees or undergraduate student workers) but would like to take the Secure UD Training must self-enroll by "assigning" it to themselves.


Self-enroll in Secure UD Training

  1. To self-enroll in required courses, navigate to the Secure UD Training certificate home page.

If you are unable to access ConnectingU, send an email requesting access to Secure UD Training to
  1. Click Assign in the upper right corner to assign yourself training. You'll only need to do this once.

Secure UD Training description with "Assign" button available in upper right corner.

     3. To self-enroll in elective courses, navigate to the Secure UD Training certificate home page.

     4.  Select a course, then click Enroll and then click Launch.

Launch Secure UD Training

After you have self-enrolled in Secure UD Training, you can launch the course.

  1. Navigate to the Secure UD Training certificate home page.

  2. Select a course, then click Launch.


View your progress in Secure UD Training

  1. Navigate to the ConnectingU home page.

  2. Click the My UD Learning tab, then click Certificate: Secure UD Training to view your progress.

My UD Learning page that shows certificates and progress





Article ID: 591
Tue 2/4/20 12:21 PM
Tue 2/25/20 1:30 PM