UDThesis: LaTeX Resources


Getting LaTeX software

  • Windows: proTeXt - MiKTeX-based distribution for Windows
  • Mac: MacTeX-2011 Distribution
  • UNIX: TeX Live
  • Other software: Importing UDThesis class and other packages
  • Collaborative LaTeX environments:
    • Overleaf
      An online LaTeX and Rich Text collaborative writing and publishing tool that makes the whole process of writing, editing and publishing scientific documents much quicker and easier. Overleaf is based on TeX Live TL2018 and is expected to be upgraded to TL2019 in the near future. See Overleaf blog entry for a list of problems and inconsistencies in popular TeX packages - a useful resource of authors and users.
      • University of Delaware does not have a campus wide license for Overleaf, however the University of Delaware College of Arts and Science (CAS) has an Overleaf group license. CAS is willing to cost share to allow other departments/colleges to request to be added to their Overleaf group license at a lower cost pro-rated based on CAS annual renewal. Please contact Pat McMahon (pmcmahon@udel.edu) to request information about the CAS Overleaf group license and the cost to join.
    • ShareLaTeX
      LaTeX, Evolved: The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor.The ShareLaTeX editor will be at the core of the new platform, on top of the Overleaf ecosystem.


LaTeX packages and modifications required for UDThesis

Including certain packages may not always work as expected with UDThesis, and can cause your document to no longer follow the UDThesis guidelines. Below is a list of packages and how to use them properly with UDThesis or in some cases avoid all together.


General LaTeX documentation, tutorials and references


Books on LaTeX


LaTeX and bibliographies



Article ID: 538
Tue 9/24/19 4:19 PM
Tue 2/13/24 6:04 PM