Guest registration for UDelNet (Ethernet)


  1. When a guest arrives on campus, have him or her log in at using the guest username and password you recorded earlier.

  2. The next screen presents the University of Delaware Network Conditions of Use. After reading it, your guest would click I Agree to continue the registration process.

Click Guest Login
  1. The guest user then supplies his or her name, email address, affiliation, and (optionally) phone number as shown below. When he or she clicks Register this computer, the network adapter of the computer or Internet-capable device being used will be registered for use on the University's network.

Click Guest Login
  1. After completing these steps, the guest can log out of the guest registration system. After waiting about 10 minutes, the guest should reboot his or her computer or device. Your guest should be able to use that computer or device to access the Internet.
    Note on Registration:
Guests who plan to use more than Ethernet connected device will need to follow the directions above for each device.

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Access information about wireless internet access for short term, frequent visitors to campus, longer term wireless and wired internet access for sponsored guests and UDelNet ID and UD resource access for University Department sponsored guests