Exchange Online: Importing a PST file to an Online Archive

This process can only be done in Microsoft Outlook for Windows. It cannot be done in Microsoft Outlook on the web (, because .pst files cannot be imported, or in Outlook for MacOS, which does not support the current UD implementation of online archiving.
  1. Copy the .pst file to a local location, such as My Documents. (Note: You cannot open a .pst file on the file server.)

  2. In Outlook 2016 for Windows, open your online archive and create a destination folder in the location of your choosing.

    1. Right click on the destination in your online archive, then select New Folder.

    2. Name the folder. Choose an appropriate name so you remember that you are storing .pst files in this folder.

  1. Be sure that you have the folder selected.

  1. From the File menu in the upper left corner of the Outlook screen, select Open and Export.

  2. Select Import/Export.

  1. Select Import from another program or file, then click Next.
  1. Select Outlook Data File (.pst), then click Next.

  1. Browse for the .pst file to be imported, then select Do not import duplicates. Click Next.
  1. Select Import into the current folder, then click Finish.

  1. You will see a dialogue box reporting on the progress of the import.
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Article ID: 688
Thu 2/27/20 2:53 PM
Thu 2/27/20 2:56 PM