Staff computer virus cleanup policy

Tags Security

Do you have a personal computer that is infected with a virus, malware, or spyware? If so, you can bring your non-UD owned computer to a convenient campus location to have these items removed.

To increase network security for the entire UD community, IT now provides a virus cleanup service for non-UD owned computers. The service applies to computers personally owned by faculty and staff.

This for-fee service includes the removal of any viruses, spyware, malware, and Trojans from affected computers as well as installation of the most current versions of virus and spyware protection programs to minimize re-infection.

Why is this policy necessary?

As well as causing problems on an individual's infected computer, the campus network and the entire UD community are at risk from computers that are infected with viruses, spyware, adware, etc.

IT anticipates that the service will encourage members of the UD community to bring in an infected computer for cleanup.

How can I prevent my computer from becoming infected with viruses, spyware, etc.?

Computers can get infected by viruses if they are not running up-to-date anti-virus software. Windows computers should have Microsoft's Windows Defender activated and running. Macintosh computers are not immune to viruses and malware. The University suggests that macOS users download and install free anti-virus software.

These programs will identify and delete viruses and trojans that are on your computer. You should also be checking for and deleting spyware at least once a week. See the IT Support Center's security site for more information about how to maintain a secure computer.

Most spyware and adware can be avoided by taking care when you download programs to your computer. You can also install and use free anti-malware programs, which help prevent and remove spyware and malware.

How can I get my computer cleaned?

To have your computer cleaned of all viruses, call the IT Support Center at (302) 831-6000 to schedule an appointment. You will need to drop off your computer at IT Client Support & Services in the lower level of Smith Hall for the service.

How is the cleanup fee charged?

Payment for the service can be made with MasterCard, VISA, Discover/NOVUS, American Express, or an online check at the time you drop off your computer.

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Article ID: 575
Fri 1/3/20 3:06 PM
Fri 1/3/20 4:10 PM